Please do not email or call us until you have read the FAQ and completed the form below.

Is the Sanibel Symposium Cancelled?

  • The live meeting at the hotel will be cancelled, but we will still have the live webcast with all speakers and attendees remote.  This will be a large challenge from a technology standpoint, but we intend to recreate as much of the full conference experience as possible.

Will the Sanibel Symposium be held virtually?

  • Yes, we are planning to continue with the live webcast, and all speakers will be remote as stated above.

When will the 2021 Sanibel Symposium be held?

  • It will be held April 14-17, 2021 in the same location.

Will you be refunding registration fees?

  • We will credit your on-site registration and automatically apply it to the live webcast.  There will NOT be an extra fee for the live webcast. If there is a legitimate reason you require a refund and are unable to participate in the live webcast, we will consider your written request and return a decision within 21 days of receipt.

What do I need to do to cancel my hotel registration?

  • You will need to call the Sanibel Harbor Marriott at (239) 466-4000 in order to cancel your hotel room reservation.

What do I need to do about any travel I have booked?

  • You will need to personally call and cancel all travel reservations you have made.

Are you refunding flight or other travel costs?

  • We are unable to provide refunds for travel expenses. In terms of air travel, many airlines are now offering flight waivers and accommodations for specific travel dates and destinations. Please work directly with your airline. If you purchased travel insurance, please contact your provider for information and next steps. We apologize for any inconvenience and challenges this may cause you.

How will student scholarship presenters be handled?

  • These presentations will also be done online, and we will offer a real-time voting mechanism to award the student scholarships.

I was presenting at the Sanibel Symposium, what do I need to do?

  • We will be in touch with you about next steps, but we plan to follow the current meeting schedule and have you do your presentation remotely.

I am an exhibitor/sponsor of the Sanibel Symposium 2020. Will we be receiving refunds for our booths, sponsored items, and registrants?

  • Yes, we will be refunding 100% of your booth fee or you may carry this over to next year’s meeting.  There may also be an option to present your company remotely online, and this will be decided within the next 2 weeks.

If I have questions, who should I call?

  • Please call our main office at 888-499-5672.

What do I need to do next?

  • Please complete the ONLINE FORM here to let us know your intentions. This form is for all attendees and exhibitors.